We have instruction manuals for even the most simple and basic gadgets and functions. Think about it – even door signs say ‘push’ or ‘pull’! But what about life? How do we know how to ‘operate’ it? None of us like too many dos and don'ts, but we can’t deny that some guidance would help—some kind of an idea of life’s use, capacity, potential and how to get the most out of it. How do we make it do what it’s supposed to do?The Bhagavad Gita entered my life when I was 20 years old, and now when I look back, I am amazed that I didn’t connect earlier. Don't many young people face Arjuna’s symptoms, such as confusion clothed in over-confidence? We think we know it all, but we’re still at a loss—rings a bell?While Sri Krishna pulled up Arjuna’s chariot between the two warring armies in the Kurukshetra battle, He chose to bring mine to a halt at a friend’s funeral. The knowledge of the Gita made its presence (rather, its absence) felt amidst tears and fears, whys and goodbyes. Tied up in knots of attachment to a dear friend who was gone too soon, I was simply unable to move past the haze of grief to offer any solace to his family members..Thankfully, not everyone handled grief like I did. My friend had been a member of the Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, the youth wing of Chinmaya Mission. At his funeral the members present had chanted selected portions of the Bhagavad Gita. They spoke words reflecting the wisdom of those verses. That made all the difference. These words gave strength to the bereaved family, and a sense of peace washed over me. I knew right then that I wanted the same knowledge they had; the same strength and protection from it.Over the years I have found the layered depths of the Gita an absolute eye-opener, or rather mind-opener. It is the least bookish book of scripture one can come across. Rather, it is a collection of life’s lesson plans, loaded with practical and applicable tips. When one looks at it from the worldly standpoint, it's positive and encouraging message is one of self-reliance and self-improvement. It is all that and so much more as well.What is so awe inspiring is the open accessibility of the Gita. The same text that has given wisdom to so many great masters is readily available to one and all, even people like me who wanted nothing more than guidance for manoeuvring on the road of life, when I first encountered the Gita. One of the challenges that I faced at that point in my life was the decision about what to devote it to. The work-a-day world held no fascination, yet there was a comfort zone built around me and I lacked the courage to overlook fear of the unknown..Again, the Gita was there to guide me. The ideas have a way of repeating within the mind to such an extent that it is impossible to sidestep them. The seed to ‘live my calling’ was planted and before long I was happily out of my cocoon and placed on the path of service, more than 7,200 kilometres away from home!Sri Krishna and His Gita continue to walk beside me, providing the right nourishment at the right time. During a certain period of boredom when I had fractured my ankle, the book ‘Gita for Yuva’ was given to me by Swami Mitrananda, and I had the opportunity to deliver a short talk on it to college students, followed by preparation of PowerPoint presentations on its 70 selected verses, to form Value Education class plans. I would forget date, time and place when I was scrutinising the incredible words and presenting them via stories, examples, illustrations and movie clips. I had never been happier. Moreover, I didn’t even realise at the time that I was naturally rooted to the joy of the present moment, forgetting to worry about the outcome! See - it does what it says!I feel like every word spoken by Sri Krishna to Arjuna is for me. I go through life with all its selfish moments and desires, and then I wonder why I feel so burdened. But He patiently continues the dialogue with me, approaching my challenges from so many different, creative angles. That’s why I say - His wisdom has my back!
We have instruction manuals for even the most simple and basic gadgets and functions. Think about it – even door signs say ‘push’ or ‘pull’! But what about life? How do we know how to ‘operate’ it? None of us like too many dos and don'ts, but we can’t deny that some guidance would help—some kind of an idea of life’s use, capacity, potential and how to get the most out of it. How do we make it do what it’s supposed to do?The Bhagavad Gita entered my life when I was 20 years old, and now when I look back, I am amazed that I didn’t connect earlier. Don't many young people face Arjuna’s symptoms, such as confusion clothed in over-confidence? We think we know it all, but we’re still at a loss—rings a bell?While Sri Krishna pulled up Arjuna’s chariot between the two warring armies in the Kurukshetra battle, He chose to bring mine to a halt at a friend’s funeral. The knowledge of the Gita made its presence (rather, its absence) felt amidst tears and fears, whys and goodbyes. Tied up in knots of attachment to a dear friend who was gone too soon, I was simply unable to move past the haze of grief to offer any solace to his family members..Thankfully, not everyone handled grief like I did. My friend had been a member of the Chinmaya Yuva Kendra, the youth wing of Chinmaya Mission. At his funeral the members present had chanted selected portions of the Bhagavad Gita. They spoke words reflecting the wisdom of those verses. That made all the difference. These words gave strength to the bereaved family, and a sense of peace washed over me. I knew right then that I wanted the same knowledge they had; the same strength and protection from it.Over the years I have found the layered depths of the Gita an absolute eye-opener, or rather mind-opener. It is the least bookish book of scripture one can come across. Rather, it is a collection of life’s lesson plans, loaded with practical and applicable tips. When one looks at it from the worldly standpoint, it's positive and encouraging message is one of self-reliance and self-improvement. It is all that and so much more as well.What is so awe inspiring is the open accessibility of the Gita. The same text that has given wisdom to so many great masters is readily available to one and all, even people like me who wanted nothing more than guidance for manoeuvring on the road of life, when I first encountered the Gita. One of the challenges that I faced at that point in my life was the decision about what to devote it to. The work-a-day world held no fascination, yet there was a comfort zone built around me and I lacked the courage to overlook fear of the unknown..Again, the Gita was there to guide me. The ideas have a way of repeating within the mind to such an extent that it is impossible to sidestep them. The seed to ‘live my calling’ was planted and before long I was happily out of my cocoon and placed on the path of service, more than 7,200 kilometres away from home!Sri Krishna and His Gita continue to walk beside me, providing the right nourishment at the right time. During a certain period of boredom when I had fractured my ankle, the book ‘Gita for Yuva’ was given to me by Swami Mitrananda, and I had the opportunity to deliver a short talk on it to college students, followed by preparation of PowerPoint presentations on its 70 selected verses, to form Value Education class plans. I would forget date, time and place when I was scrutinising the incredible words and presenting them via stories, examples, illustrations and movie clips. I had never been happier. Moreover, I didn’t even realise at the time that I was naturally rooted to the joy of the present moment, forgetting to worry about the outcome! See - it does what it says!I feel like every word spoken by Sri Krishna to Arjuna is for me. I go through life with all its selfish moments and desires, and then I wonder why I feel so burdened. But He patiently continues the dialogue with me, approaching my challenges from so many different, creative angles. That’s why I say - His wisdom has my back!