Who has no problems? Everyone has. A crowd of problems marching towards us with plans to conquer us is life to the majority! But some rare folks discover, even in the midst of a host of threatening problems, an artistic way of tickling them all to laughter! This art, in fact, should be the art of living, unaffected by the little problems of our lives.Loss of wealth or of a dear and near relation are all examples and a few come to consider these as grave problems, while others seem to discover in themselves a secret spring of some mysterious power encouraged by which they walk out of their heart-pangs to face the problem in the open sunlit world. Grave problems can drive only unintelligent men of undisciplined thought and habits to an early grave! Others walk side by side with their grave problems and so manipulate the circumstances and make use of the various happenings around them that they always successfully push the problems into the grave and themselves safely walk away! Such men are the mighty men of destiny in the world..But the majority of us make the pilgrimage not hand in hand with our problems but we are driven by problems, and the problems push us into an untimely grave of sorrow.In short, make a grave for all problems; do not make a grave of problems for ourselves! Even the grave is no problem for those who know how to meet it.A problem is never solved by succumbing to it. In fact problems grow, fattened and nourished by the number of victims that come under their onslaught. This is equally true in communal life as well as in individual life.Therefore, each of us must learn the art of facing the upheavals in our own individual lives. There is no short-cut, no quick path, no mysterious and secret way. The grand old path has to be trodden to reach the eternal goal of perfect peace.When we maintain poise, problems and challenges vanish like mist before the rising sun.
Who has no problems? Everyone has. A crowd of problems marching towards us with plans to conquer us is life to the majority! But some rare folks discover, even in the midst of a host of threatening problems, an artistic way of tickling them all to laughter! This art, in fact, should be the art of living, unaffected by the little problems of our lives.Loss of wealth or of a dear and near relation are all examples and a few come to consider these as grave problems, while others seem to discover in themselves a secret spring of some mysterious power encouraged by which they walk out of their heart-pangs to face the problem in the open sunlit world. Grave problems can drive only unintelligent men of undisciplined thought and habits to an early grave! Others walk side by side with their grave problems and so manipulate the circumstances and make use of the various happenings around them that they always successfully push the problems into the grave and themselves safely walk away! Such men are the mighty men of destiny in the world..But the majority of us make the pilgrimage not hand in hand with our problems but we are driven by problems, and the problems push us into an untimely grave of sorrow.In short, make a grave for all problems; do not make a grave of problems for ourselves! Even the grave is no problem for those who know how to meet it.A problem is never solved by succumbing to it. In fact problems grow, fattened and nourished by the number of victims that come under their onslaught. This is equally true in communal life as well as in individual life.Therefore, each of us must learn the art of facing the upheavals in our own individual lives. There is no short-cut, no quick path, no mysterious and secret way. The grand old path has to be trodden to reach the eternal goal of perfect peace.When we maintain poise, problems and challenges vanish like mist before the rising sun.