AI Art - Part I

AI Art - Part I
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AI art refers to artwork created using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. This can include both visual art, such as digital images or videos, and non-visual art, such as music or poetry.

One popular form of AI art is generative art, which is created using algorithms that generate new artworks based on a set of rules or parameters. This can include fractal art, which is generated using mathematical equations, and neural network art, which is generated using machine learning algorithms. Generative art can be created using a variety of tools and programming languages, such as Python and Processing.

Another form of AI art is evolutionary art, which is created using algorithms that mimic the process of natural selection. These algorithms generate a population of artworks, and then select the best ones based on a set of fitness criteria. Over time, the artworks in the population evolve and improve, creating new and unique pieces of art.

Chinmaya Udghosh