A person with an attitude of gratitude operates from a sense of abundance, appreciates everything in life, is happier and more positive, is compassionate, takes care of himself/herself and focuses on the silver lining of every dark cloud. Grateful people are the exact opposite of those who focus on all that is wrong or lacking in their lives.
An attitude of gratitude shifts our focus from yourself to appreciating someone else or something else. It makes us aware of all that is right in our life—relationships, health, home, studies/work, finances—thereby enhancing our sense of well-being, making us more productive and happy.
Here are 8 ways to make this mind-shift and inculcate the attitude of gratitude in your life.
Every morning when you wake up, first think, or write, three things that you are grateful for.
At the end of every day, write down three things that went well for you that day and for which you are grateful.
Count your blessings, especially the loved ones who support you. Acknowledge what you have in your life and what is going on well for you. Sometimes we overlook the big things by focusing on the small things that don’t go our way.
Develop active gratitude, not reactive gratitude. Consciously look for ways to be grateful and express appreciation daily. Expressing gratitude then becomes a choice.
Find an opportunity to give back when it's not expected or warranted. Giving back or thanking for receiving is one thing, but giving back when least expected is even better.
Pay it forward. Giving back is good, giving to someone else creates a chain reaction that can do wonders for the world.
Make the best use of the opportunities and things that you have received. That shows that you appreciate what you have and are grateful for it.
Thank God. Remember, He gives us much more than we deserve. Not everyone has the same abundance as you have. Consciously thank God for all that He has given you.